
Feniz Today

Political analysis

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[01] (See afternote for update.)

[01] Political and security problems are foreseen with the neighbouring country to the south, Hochlandia, a virtual vacuum which could attract hostile elements. The eyes of the Department of Defence and of the Foreign Department rest on this teritory with distrust.



Commentary by Al'Yo-Shah, Chief Editor of the General Fenizic News Service (GFN)

[01 Sept 01] The ex-Hochlandian region being under relatively slack control by the government, a bunch of political or quasi-political parties and organisations arose there in the last months. The visitor to the Mokra and Sukha cities will be astonished to see advertisements, to read and to hear from groups like

- CDU Cruisian Democratic Union
- CSU Council of Socialist Unions
- FDP Fenizic Democratic Party
- SPD Socialist Power for Democracy
- SED Students for Environment and Democracy
- HLF Hochlandian Liberation Front
- FPB Free Phoenix Believers
- SPM Socialist Party of Mokra
- MIS Movement for an Independent Sukha
- TP Traditionalist Party
- SWP Sukha Workers Party
- UFPW United Fishers-Peasants-Workers
- DU Democratic Union
- USA United Socialistic Army

The government feels uneasy about the situation but is at the same time unable to do anything about it but hush up. The constitution does not prohibit parties although, in the traditional Fenizic system, there was no need for them because the basic democracy was executed in the tribe and settlement environment. The Hochlandian structure of parishes which may comprise citizens different by background, profession, education, ethnicy and so on, does indeed require parties to gather those with similar interests. They should not work but on parish level; their names, however, give the impression that there is a strong will to control or even separate parts of South Feniz if not the whole region.   We can but hope that the benefits coming from our Administration will convince and persuade the separatists to stay within our Sultanate. If not, Hochlandia might not be the only part of the country to fall apart. But did they think about the future after Feniz? Do they really want to end up like, say, Dascunya? Do they really want to be at the mercy of foreign powers? Don't they exchange one rule for another, but without knowing what the new rule will be like? So every man with a sense for responsibility calls out: "Stay!" And I want to add: "Love your country! Unite! Work hard!"

[Fall 02] The Fenizic exterior policy aims at peace and stability in the key regions of Vexillium as a basis for a system of free world trade which allows vex-wide unhindered trade of goods and services. Such a policy presupposes internal political stability and economical strength and wealth of the nation as well as of the single citizens.

All facts which preclude stability rate as risks. Among such instabilities are regional shifts of power because of unbalanced rearmament, civil wars and destruction of the environment on a large scale and thus the destruction of vital necessities possibly leading to migratory movements. International terrorism, corruption, drug trade and international criminality also are potentially destabilizing threats.

This vex-wide approach to a stable strategic environment and to the protection of the own territory and people is brought about by diplomacy, economic co-operation, international relief programmes, armament control, and nonproliferation. Furthermore, alliances, bilateral treaties, and coalitions are of special importance to the strategic considerations.

The threat to the national security interests determines the "if" and "how", but also the "how long" of a military engagement of Feniz. The vital interests, the vital questions of the state and nation come first, followed by other national interests and general humanitarian interests.

The Fenizic Armed Forces and their capabilities to project power and maintain influence are the core part of the catalogue of means to enforce our political interests. The main task of the armed forces is deterrence, made visible by a high degree of strategic mobility.

The Fenizic Armed Forces are capable to carry out operations on two different theatres (land/sea) at the same time and to operate within a coalition. The normal operation, if need arises, will be in a coalition, but if vital interests are endangered, the forces are ready to operate on their own.

[adapted from a real report of the German Military Representative in Washington, DC, Fall 2000, about the U.S. Forces]

[19 Jul 03] Afternote.


© by Winfried Schroedter - last update of this page on 25. Dezember 2003 00:26 Westeuropäische Normalzeit
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